Services for Great Lent
Wednesday Confessions & Presanctified Services
Wed., March 5th Confessions from 3:00pm-5:00pm; Presanctified at 6:00pm at St. George Greek Orthodox Church with Lenten meal to follow
Wed., March 12th Confessions from 3:00pm-5:00pm; Presanctified at 6:00pm at St. Peter Serbian Orthodox Church with Lenten meal to follow
Wed., March 19th Confessions from 3:00pm-5:00pm; Presanctified at 6:00pm at St. George Greek Orthodox Church with Lenten meal to follow
Wed., March 26th Confessions from 3:00pm-5:00pm; Presanctified at 6:00pm at St. Peter Serbian Orthodox Church with Lenten meal to follow
Wed., April 2nd Confessions from 3:00pm-5:00pm; Presanctified at 6:00pm at St. George Greek Orthodox Church with Lenten meal to follow
Wed., April 9th Confessions from 3:00pm-5:00pm; Presanctified at 6:00pm at St. Peter Serbian Orthodox Church with Lenten meal to follow
Friday Presanctified & Salutations Services
Fri., March 7th Presantified at 9:00am; Salutations at 6:00pm
Fri., March 14th Presantified at 9:00am; Salutations at 6:00pm
Fri., March 21st Presantified at 9:00am; Salutations at 6:00pm
Fri., March 28th Presantified at 9:00am; Salutations at 6:00pm
Fri., April 4th Presantified at 9:00am; Salutations at 6:00pm
Fri., April 11th Presantified at 9:00am; NO Salutations
Holy Week Schedule
Sat., April 12th: Saturday of Lazarus- Orthros at 9:00am, Divine Liturgy at 9:45 with pancake breakfast and palm cross making to follow; Vespers at St. Peter Serbian Orthodox Church at 5:00pm
Sun., April 13th: Palm Sunday- Orthros at 8:30am & Divine Liturgy at 9:30am; Bridegroom service at 6:00pm
Mon., April 14th: Presanctified at 9:00am; Confessions from 3:00pm-5:00pm; Bridegroom service at 6:00pm
Tues., April 15th: Presanctified at 9:00am; Confessions from 3:00pm-5:00pm; Bridegroom service at 6:00pm
Wed., April 16th: Presanctified at 9:00am; Holy Unction with oil blessing at 3:00pm; Bridegroom service at 6:00pm
Thurs., April 17th: Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil at 9:00am; Crucifixion service at 6:00pm
Fri., April 18th: Royal Hours 9:00am; Kids Retreat from 11:00am-3:00pm; Burial service at 3:00pm; Lamentations at 7:00pm
Sat., April 19th: Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil at 9:00am; Great Canon 11:00pm; Resurrection service at 11:59pm
Sun., April 20th: Pascha- Agape service at 1:00pm followed by parish picnic